Charcoal, 26 bytes
Try it online! Link is to verbose version of code. Explanation: Charcoal's base conversion simply negates the result if the input is negated, so I have to convert from one's complement to two's complement. Also, the array has its most significant bit first and I don't have an easy way to slice alternate bits depending on the index of the last bit.
Nθ First input as a number² Literal integer `2`E Map over implicit rangeθ Input number⁺ Plus⁰ Literal integer `0`› Is greater thanθ Input number↨ Converted to base² Literal integer `2`⮌ ReversedΦ Filtered whereι Outer value⁼ Equalsμ Inner index﹪ Modulo² Literal integer `2`⮌ Reversed↨ Converted from base² Literal integer `2`⁻ Vectorised substract⁰ Literal integer `0`› Is greater thanθ Input numberI Cast to string Implicitly print